What is medical acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient form of alternative medicine originating in China. Thin needles varying in sizes are inserted into acupoints, the body lesions reflex points. Acupuncture aims to balance and improve the flow of a person’s “qi” or life force energy, improve vitality, blood circulation, and restore the body’s natural balance. MSK Osteopath and Acupuncture Birstall offer this alternative medical practice.
In treating chronic pains through medical acupuncture, stimulation of specific acupoints has an inhibitory influence on pain, and acupuncture works by modulating endorphin levels through the inactivation of the source of pain. Essentially, medical acupuncture alleviates theawareness of pain, bringing much-needed relief to those who suffer from it.
Medical acupuncture is highly recommended for those suffering chronic neck and back pain, fibromyalgia, temporomandibular joint disorder, and osteoarthritis.
Avin Patel, a Birstall acupuncturist, has completed his training at the British Medical Acupuncture Society. He has spent over 13 years as a medical acupuncturist, osteopath, and specialist of sports and exercise medicine.
- Chronic pain such as neck pain
- Muscle pain
- Arthritis
- Joint pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Minor sports injuries
Medical acupuncture (1st session)
£ 60.00
Medical acupuncture (follow-up sessions)
£ 45.00
MSK Osteopath
Offers emergency appointments in the evenings, Saturdays and Sundays.
To enquire further call us on
Leicester Osteopathy Clinic
Avin has an osteopathy clinic in Leicester which operates from The Thurmaston Health Centre. The Thurmaston Surgery is located off the Melton Road. The MSK clinic is one of the leading Leicester Osteopathy clinics.
Uppingham Osteopathy Clinic
Avin's primary Uppingham Osteopathy clinic is at The Uppingham Surgery. Most patients that he sees at the surgery are registered here. You do not need to registered at The Uppingham Surgery to make an appointment.
Wigston Osteopathy Clinic
Avin has an osteopathy clinic in Leicester which operates from The Two Steeples Medical Centre. The Wigston Clinic is located near Wigston College. MSK Osteopathy clinics treat over 100 people per week.
Oakham Osteopathy Clinic
Avin has an osteopathy and acupuncture clinic in Oakham which operates from Langrick and Coe, 6 Church Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6AA.
Enderby Osteopathy Clinic
Avin has an osteopathy and acupuncture clinic in Enderby which operates from The Enderby Medical Centre, Shortridge Lane, Enderby, Leicester, LE19 4LY. The The MSK clinic is one of the leading Leicester Osteopathy clinics.