What is medical acupuncture?
Just like the traditional acupuncture the Chinese used nearly 2,000 years ago, Medical Acupuncture helps relieve pain following a fully medical case history, examination, and medical diagnosis discussed with you.
In Medical Acupuncture, thin needles are used to stimulate sensory nerves under the skin and in the muscles of the body. This results in the body producing naturally occuring hormones such as pain-relieving endorphins and inflammatory markers. These substances have a physiological effect on the body.
Avin Patel of MSK Osteopath has been practicing Medical Acupuncture for over 13 years in Uppingham and across Leicestershire. Completing his training at the British Medical Acupuncture Society, he has the knowledge and experience in using the correct fine needles when inserting into the acupoints of the body.
MSK Osteopath has multiple clinics across the UK including an osteopathy and acupuncture clinic in Uppingham.
- Chronic pain such as neck pain
- Muscle pain
- Arthritis
- Joint pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Minor sports injuries
Medical acupuncture (1st session)
£ 60.00
Medical acupuncture (follow-up sessions)
£ 45.00
MSK Osteopath
Offers emergency appointments in the evenings, Saturdays and Sundays.
To enquire further call us on
Leicester Osteopathy Clinic
Avin has an osteopathy clinic in Leicester which operates from The Thurmaston Health Centre. The Thurmaston Surgery is located off the Melton Road. The MSK clinic is one of the leading Leicester Osteopathy clinics.
Uppingham Osteopathy Clinic
Avin's primary Uppingham Osteopathy clinic is at The Uppingham Surgery. Most patients that he sees at the surgery are registered here. You do not need to registered at The Uppingham Surgery to make an appointment.
Wigston Osteopathy Clinic
Avin has an osteopathy clinic in Leicester which operates from The Two Steeples Medical Centre. The Wigston Clinic is located near Wigston College. MSK Osteopathy clinics treat over 100 people per week.
Oakham Osteopathy Clinic
Avin has an osteopathy and acupuncture clinic in Oakham which operates from Langrick and Coe, 6 Church Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6AA.
Enderby Osteopathy Clinic
Avin has an osteopathy and acupuncture clinic in Enderby which operates from The Enderby Medical Centre, Shortridge Lane, Enderby, Leicester, LE19 4LY. The The MSK clinic is one of the leading Leicester Osteopathy clinics.